lørdag den 12. april 2014

Saying goodbye

Thursday the 10th of April

I woke up to the last day with my host-family. Getting ready in the morning I was sad that the day had already come where I was to say goodbye. I had a wonderful time staying with them and I really couldn't have asked for a better home. Saying goodbye was difficult. While staying with them they had gone out of their way in treating me like a part of their family and I must admit that they really spoiled me. For instance my host-mom had baked cupcakes for me because I had written in my letter to them that I am very fond of cake. My host-sister commented on the fact that my host-mom never usually baked cake. It was extremely considerate of her. The Watson family at all times made sure that I had something to do e.g. the trip to Stanford I mentioned previously.    

My sweet host-mom Mary and host Carolyn

A couple of us in the group had breakfast at The Borrone Café where we all had some delicious waffles.

Breakfast at the Borrone Café

Waffles with berries
The last day of school had also arrived. The first period was french which was very interesting even though I didn't understand a single word :)

High school lockers

After the first period my host-sister and I had planned to do some more shopping. She showed me Target (a big store with clothes, makeup, candy and other great things). I went shopping instead of going to school as planned because my host had a lot of tests that day and so it wouldn't be an interesting day to follow. I generally really like shopping and being in an American shopping mall being guided by my host-sister was like a dream come true. I got a lot of great things home with me!  

Me and my lovely host-sister Sarah

After a immense deal of shopping I was in great need of a burger, some sweet potatoes and a milkshake to regain my strength. It was a typical american diner, except it wasn't greasy burgers but nice burgers with salad and fresh produce.    

American diner

To my hostfamily: I really want to thank you for a wonderful stay! You have been treating me so well and thank you so much for the nice gift you gave me! I hope to see you again some day! Take care :)


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